Cover Letter Write up / Drafting

A cover letter offers you the chance to speak directly to an employer and ask him/her to consider about your application. It also provides you an opportunity to show your presentation skills and the ability to express yourself in an organised manner. To do this you should highlight relevant skills and experience and write with the position you’re applying for in mind.

Write with Sincerity

Sincerity is important as it helps build trust.

You need trust to build relationships in your career, regardless of what position you are in. This is also the qualities most employers are looking for in job candidates, that’s why you have to show sincerity with your words.

Organize your thought

Plan for the layout before writing.

Put the most important experience in the first few paragraphs, then say a little personal lifestyle of yourself, e.g. your family life, pets, hobbies, to showcase how you deal with problems with your values in different occasions.

Edit Your Cover Letter Before Sending

Communication is the key to success. Employers tend to look into the way you write to see how you are going to work with your team, how you convert the director’s message into action or report an issue to the management. Check all the grammas, formats, tones and choices of words to ensure they are reflecting exactly what you mean.

Always check before sending out.

Cover Letter Write up and Editing

While you are very good at your specialty, you will need a step forward to make everything perfect – job security, work-life balance, happy work environment, etc. That’s why writing a perfect cover letter is the first step to your perfect life.

Spear is here to help.

We provide write up service for drafting a killer cover letter to ensure you fit into the local values. We also provide editing service if you are unsure about your grammas, use of words, and want to look smarter in your writings.

Contact us if you need a perfect cover letter.

