China Digital Marketing

Digital Landscape in China - We-Media Marketing

We-Media, also known as Democratic Media (自媒體 / 自媒体 in Chinese), refers to the bottom-up way how the general public broadcast their own news and views through the Internet with minimal institutional restrictions.

Empowered by channels like Wechat, Weibo and other social platforms, companies are shifting their way of marketing from conventional advertising to soft selling contents generated by We-Media.

The practice is deemed as extremely effective for marketing products and services in China because of its extensive accessibility, coverage and the authenticity that lack in conventional media.

Challenges of We-Media Digital Marketing in China

Low threshold of We-Media allows anyone with a phone to engage into the media business but that also means there exists of severe competitions on the supply side. Instead of just focusing  on media coverage, producers have to find ways to create massive quality contents to compete for audience’s time and for such purpose, contents are getting more and more specific in order to serve for a niche market.

In that sense, relevancy of content and niche market channel becomes the dominant factor for brands to pick the right entry point for their digital marketing plan. One of the common ways that attract traffic is Newsjacking, where content writers and administrators of We-Media have to have the sense of manipulating market trends, the knowledge of specific field, as well as the exceptionally good writing skills.

Digital Marketing China

Strategy Driven by Statistics

Where content relevancy be the prior factor to the success of any marketing campaign, Spear, with our extensive data of over 1,200 We-Media channels and the experience of working with them, we analyse and match for you the most suitable channel that will help generate direct sales to your business.

Digital Marketing China - We-Media

Knowledge of Specific Field and Writing Skills

With extensive experience in digital marketing for over 100 We-Media channels, we know very much about the market trends and what your customers believe in China.

Our linguistic background and field expertises also enables us to deliver knowledgable messages to your audience through any form of writings.

Local Digital Marketing Team Support

Our offices in Guangzhou and Shanghai will deliver local trend information and technical support where Hong Kong will serve as the contact point where insights and exceptional marketing strategies are developed.

Copywriters Hong Kong & China Team

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